今回、#kzn運営チームで審査を重ね、楽曲のクオリティやオリジナリティ、#kzn / CeVIO AIをボーカルとして魅力的に使っていただけているかどうか、#kznのライブが盛り上がっているところがイメージしやすいか、また、MVを作っていただいた方に関してはどういった内容か、などを加味し、僭越ながら選考を行わせて頂きました。



#kznちゃんは年明け2月から北米を周るツアー「International Anime Music Festival」が始まり、2月26日には「#kzn 1st live “play with me”」が控えております。

#kzn Song Contest入選作品を中心にセットリストを組ませて頂き、#kznちゃんが誕生してから最初の1年を通して育んだ”新たなつながり”を、ライブを通じて表現できればと考えております。

The #kzn team has reviewed and selected the songs according to the quality and originality of the music, checking if the song matched #kzn/CeVio as a vocalist, whether the piece will fit being performed live, and also the content of the music video.

We are thrilled and delighted that #kzn chan, born from the voice of Kizuna AI, has been able to sing a wide range of songs thanks to all the creators and that each song is being presented to the world as a collaborative work with songwriters, illustrators, and video creators. Although we have only just started, we feel the great potential in being able to collaborate with such strong talents.

The #kzn team will continue to fulfill the mission of Kizuna AI to "be a hub that connects everyone" through various projects and events to make the new "connections" created by #kzn chan even stronger and meaningful for all creators.

#kzn chan will begin her "International Anime Music Festival" tour around North America in February of the new year, and "#kzn 1st live "play with me" is coming up on February 26th.

The setlist will consist mainly of songs selected for the #kzn Song Contest, and we hope to express the "new connections" created through the first year of #kzn-chan through the live performances.

Gold Prize